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Attracting the Attractive



We can’t have everything. As hard as we work, as much faith as we have in God to allow us to achieve whatever it is that we want, we can’t have everything. What we must learn, however, is that maybe we shouldn’t have everything.

What is meant for you will never miss you, and what misses you was never meant for you.

I’m sure you’ve heard this saying so many times, but have you really understood it? It’s easy to repeat the phrase to yourself when you miss out on an opportunity or to others when they need support or reassurance, but have you considered what it means to adopt it as a mentality?

Understanding that what is meant for you will never miss you, allows you to live a life in which you can be more confident in your decisions. Understanding that whatever misses you was never meant for you, allows you to look at opportunities for what they really are, and consider whether the things that you want are the things that you really need. Essentially, your life becomes more fulfilling when you understand that what might look or feel like a failure, may in fact make way for a blessing that is bigger and better.

This isn't to say that you should sit back and let the world present itself to you, instead it’s a message that lets you know that it’s okay to relax. You still have to work hard, create opportunities and manifest your goals, but you shouldn’t be disheartened when some of the things you work towards don’t go exactly as you have planned.

Just because something is for you, it doesn't mean that it will just get handed to you, with no work or input from yourself. You are able to ask for what you want, and if it is meant for you, you will receive it, providing that you take the relevant steps to get there. I found myself in this situation a few years ago when all of my friends were off to university and I had to wait another year before getting into the university I wanted. Initially, the extra year felt to be a waste of time and I was disappointed in myself for having to spend yet another year living at home, going to sixth form and missing out on the newly-found independence that my friends were experiencing.

Looking back however, the extra year was one of the best years of my life. I was able to tick a number of things off of my list of things that I had been planning to do, as well as improve my school grades so that I was able to go to the university I had wanted to go to for years. Everything, including my failures and setbacks, seemed to be happening for a reason. Warwick, the university that I’ve spent two amazing years at, seemed to be meant for me and fortunately the opportunity to go there didn't miss me. God was making me wait for something bigger than I could have planned for and better than I could have expected.

It’s easy for me to write about this and for you to read it and dismiss it as a simple coincidence. However it’s only once you fully understand and adopt this mentality that you’ll really see it at work. One of the ways in which you can do this is through the Law of Attraction. To explain it simply, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract whatever we are focusing on, into our lives. It is this Law that uses the power of our minds and habits to translate whatever it is that we desire and materialise it into reality. Basically thinking and speaking the things that we want into existence.

Again, the term “Law of Attraction” is one that has been used everywhere, but not many of us are fully aware of the impact that it can have, and the impact that it may already have on our lives without us even realising it. You must hold yourself accountable and responsible for what is happening in your life. There is no one, aside from God and yourself, that can dictate your experiences. If you are sure of what you want in life, are able to visualise and willing to take steps towards making it your reality, you are able to manifest your desires through the Law of Attraction.

What you must remember is that the Law of Attraction works both ways, manifesting negative thoughts and compromising circumstances as well as positive desires. In order to benefit from the Law and allow it to manifest positive energy into your life, you must first understand it and then live according to it. This means maintaining a positive outlook on life, for absolutely everything that you can. Thinking and believing negative thoughts will only attract negative energy. Similarly, keeping negative company around you or staying in an environment of negative energy will only attract more negative experiences.

What is meant for you will never miss you, and what misses you was never meant for you.

You have the ability to become a magnet that will attract anything you think or speak into existence. You have the power to attract whatever’s on your mind, so make sure it’s the things that you want!

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