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Easier with my Tribe


Throughout life there are so many things that shape the person we become, from our environment and circumstances to the trials we are placed in. Our circle of friends is one thing that changes throughout our lives, yet plays a huge part in influencing our personal development, no matter our age. The power of a stable, positive and supportive ‘tribe’ can’t be underestimated and it’s essential in establishing an idea of the person you want to become.

When we were children and teenagers, our friends were more or less chosen for us, whether they were the kids of our parents’ friends, our classmates, or friends of friends. As we grow up, and are given opportunities to actively choose who it is we want to invest our time in, we realise we have some big decisions to make. Naturally, we believe that we have loyalties to those that we ‘owe’ our friendship to, or those that we’ve known for years and couldn't possibly imagine cutting off. Never forget that your time is precious and there’s only so much of yourself that you can pour out into others.

Your group, or ‘tribe’, is something that so many CEO’s, professionals and success stories identify as a key component in living a desirable life. A group of individuals with a similar mindset, of growth, support and accountability. Jim Rohn once said “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” and I’ve come to understand this as a description of not only our personality as being made up of the people we surround ourselves with, but also our identity and sense of belonging. If someone needed to truly understand more about you or your values, your friendship group would definitely tell them more than your job description would.

Through times of vulnerability, self-doubt and bad decisions, the people around you should be the ones you can turn to, without feeling that you might be burdening them with your problems. Social support is one of the biggest drivers towards success and happiness, and your friends should be pushing you to be smarter, stronger and sharper in your decisions and actions. This is essential for personal development and self growth as they provide you with guidance, constructive criticism and most importantly a fresh pair of eyes. This happens across every aspect of your life, no matter how small! The same friends that help me make big life decisions are also the ones that help me choose the outfit I’m going to wear out on a Saturday night.

These friends, the ones that make up a great tribe, are those that are uplifting rather than draining, celebrate your successes as if they were their own, and view your lives as a collaboration rather than a competition.

So what happens when your tribe fails to do these things? If you find yourself going to your friends with your problems only to be met with mediocre advice or the feeling of guilt for sharing your worries with them. The answer is simply that you should cut them off. As scary as that might sound, I’m a personal testimony that getting rid of toxic friends and negative energy only makes room for the right people to come along. Keeping the right people around you is an act of self-love and allows you to understand your worth.

And what if you haven't found your tribe? Although tribe generally means a group of people, there are thousands of people, including myself, that have bonds with other individuals as well as or sometimes instead of with groups. These people are ride-or-die kind of friends, exactly the kind of tribe we need in our lives, yet they’re just not part of a group and the friendship is instead on a one-to-one basis. These friendships are often essential in giving an outsider’s perspective as it is often easy to become consumed by what’s going on within a group, especially if all of your views are more or less the same.

On the other hand, some people just haven't been exposed to their tribe just yet. There are hundreds of opportunities to find the right people that you connect with and understand on a deeper level, whether it be at university, at the workplace or even the parents of your children’s friends when the time comes. The amazing thing about finding your tribe is that it can happen at any time, with anyone, because it won’t require any kind of force or planning. You will naturally find yourself gravitating towards and wanting to spend time with certain individuals, because of the great way that they make you feel, the insight they can provide and the light that they can shine on a number of aspects throughout your life.

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