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Your Body is not the Enemy

Written by Kayla Sprague

According to a Common Sense Media study, 80% of 10 year olds girls have been on some sort of diet. I learned that and my heart sank into my size 12 stomach. Then I remembered, I was counting points of every food I ate when I was just about 10 too. It’s all too common to see younger and younger girls trying to shrink themselves, trying to fit into a form they believe is best. 

But how does this concept come into play? Where do we first see this influence take hold of us? Why is it still something we're all fighting?

The Body Positive Movement started in 1996, before Instagram and even selfies. Before it was hard to educate younger females, the reach wasn't there. Across the world there were young girls pulling at their stomachs and refusing to finish their plates. It happens so early in life it almost feels ingrained in us.

In the age of social media, there is a world of understanding, the Body Positive Movement taking on a whole new meaning and tackling a whole new world. I can spend the rest of this page rattling off all the “plus” sized females I have only a scroll away for the morning after a pizza night, or for reassurance that I can wear my favourite crop top.

Don't we wish it were always that easy?

It's more than a change of clothes, there's a deeper fuelled discomfort that feeds this needs to shrink. It is an every day struggle to unlearn each “tip” for losing weight. It's everyday, avoiding the articles for the quickest way to a bikini body. Why do we feel like our worth is wrapped in flesh that doesn't exceed 120lbs?

We constantly abuse ourselves and pull apart each feature because of an image we can and shouldn't fulfil. There is a flow to what is “in” or attractive and that changes yearly, weekly, daily. Trying to keep up would be expensive. Not expensive in price but expensive in self worth. 

These tips and tricks are all the same at their root. They are punishments. Punishments for not being a certain way. They trickle down into calorie counting, skipping dinner, giving up going out with friends. 

We are all more than the skin that pulls over our bones. We aren't meant to be withered to bone or shamed for not getting close enough to them. The hips you have hold your body grounded with this earth, you should want them sturdy.Your shoulders are made for your loved ones to cry on. That stomach makes your laughs louder, spreading your happiness. 

It isn't over night, it's a daily reassurance that your body is worth space on this earth. Forgive yourself for another scoop of ice cream, allow yourself to wear shorts when you've never liked your legs.

Your body provides transportation, love and warmth. 

Repeat that to yourself and make it your mantra.

Your legs have taken you across stages to accept diplomas, you've lost track of time dancing all summer night. Your arms have hugged hellos and goodbyes. This body has run miles, uphill, in the rain (or maybe it just feels like that). Your body has brought you places and will keep doing it. Thank it. Don't take away it's fuel because it's bringing you through the world too large. 

Love seeps out your body when you hold your new born nephew. It radiates from your skin when your significant other talks about their passion. Filling a room isn't a sin, your body fills rooms with love you've felt and given.

When the world is cold, your body thaws the conversations to open up. Even when there are frozen feet in bed your body with heat them. Don't let any words stifle the fire thats sparked inside your body. Burn for growth, passion and love. 

Your body provides transportation, love and warmth.  And you are well worth every inch you take up because every bit is for the better. 

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