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A (Literal) Note to Self

By Kayla Sprague

Dear Kayla,

Recently, I've seen you struggling to not let that bitter tendency of yours rear its ugly head. It's hard to feel like you're waiting for the next battle. I wish I could tell you that you aren't being selfish, but we're both trying not to lie. 

You are being so incredibly selfish that it seems like you're genuinely only thinking of yourself. You used to listen to what your family had to say, especially before making any decisions. Now it's as if you don't pay them any mind.

You are being so incredibly selfish. And that's ok. 

There are days where it may seem like it's You versus Them. Because some days it is. And that's also ok. What you are doing is selfish because growth is a selfish act. You're not supposed to hold your tongue until you feel sick. You're finally being honest with yourself and I appreciate it. 

I need you to know that what you're doing is just the beginning, it gets harder and it gets worse. But please keep it up, for both of us. What you are doing is speaking up to the people who mean the world to you, but that doesn't mean you have to always follow their lead. You're finally being your own advocate.

This is only a small glimmer into the future. I don't want you to think I'm exaggerating, it's going to suck. What you're doing is editing your life. You're allowed to do this. Just know I told you there was an easier way. You could just let everything go and fall in line. Choosing this path is making you happier, I can see it. You're not as mean to your body, thanks for that too. And the lies! I do not miss those lies you always told. It's so clear that you're happier, healthier.

Keep it up. 

You're working towards being who you are. She was always here, she's just coming around more often, out to play. But it is work, and works not easy. 
It will be worth it because look at this smile! 

Be selfish.

Everyone can always leave you, and they might. That's ok, too. It happens. But I'm the only one who can't leave. You're stuck with me. That's more than ok. But we better like each other. I love that we've grown closer with age, like a flourishing friendship.


Don't let anyone bully you into “your place.” They can always just leave. Be selfish. Grow unapologetically, selfishly full.

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