One of my
favourite quotes belongs to Eleanor Roosevelt. It goes: ‘today is the oldest
you’ve ever been and the youngest you’ll ever be again.’ It’s a quote that has
followed me for years and I often find myself sharing it with people, whether
it be on birthdays or special occasions, moments of doubt, wonder or
self-discovery. The words have always resonated with me, they’ve always made
sense and they’ve always called for a moment of reflection. It’s interesting
how at times, I am utterly excited when I think that today and in this moment,
I am the oldest that I have ever been and the youngest that I will ever be
again and yet at other times, I am completely terrified.
Take a moment and
understand what the words mean: today is
the oldest you’ve ever been and the youngest you’ll ever be again. Once
understood, ask yourself: are you living your best life?
This year has
really put into perspective the saying: tomorrow is not promised. A very dear
friend of mine lived life the way I imagine you’re supposed to live life. He
inspired and encouraged, he loved and he lived every day until he couldn’t and earlier
this week, it was a combination of reflecting on Roosevelt’s quote and thoughts
of a person that taught me so much that called for this piece. Many of us are
guilty of enduring people and jobs that bring no value to our lives, we
entertain toxic hobbies, relationships and friendships, we allow the world’s
misfortunes to claim our lives. We begin to endure life without realising it.
What I’ve come to
understand is that in trying to figure out what this life has to offer, it is
easy to lose the very essence of it: living.
We become consumed in things that hold no weight in the grand scheme of things,
we worry about people that have no regard for us or our best life, we
procrastinate, we grow fearful of our potential and in turn, settle. We exist
in life instead of living it.
I find it
therapeutic to write as I reflect, not only for myself now but for the woman I
will be in the future and so I’ve created a list, for myself and perhaps for
others who might also need it. A list of the things that I wish to do to live
my best life and I’ve titled it:
Reclaiming My Time
Firstly, and
perhaps most importantly, be true to who
you are. The life that you live is yours and yours alone. The only person
that you can be, the only person that you should
be to live your best life is yourself. Learn to be yourself and love the person
that you become, be committed to your growth and develop self-belief. I
encourage you to spare a half hour every day, reflect on the person that you
are, tell the person in the mirror how strong, powerful and beautiful they are.
Become unattached from the thoughts of other people, their acceptance or
approval. I dare you to be you.
Every day is a new
day. What happened yesterday should not have a bearing on what will happen
today. Every day should be treated like a new adventure, another opportunity to
live your best life. Life is short and it is true that tomorrow is not promised
so live in the present. Live for now, it is no longer a question of what if but
rather what next? Be proactive and be focused. I dare you to choose today.
Create your own
opportunities. We are often told that our moment will come and though I do not
disagree, I ask how long are you willing to put life on hold for something that
may never come to pass? We all have ideas, dreams and ambitions and yet we do
nothing, hoping that in due time, life will offer the path to our success. I ask
you again: how long are you willing to put life on hold for something that may
never come to pass? I dare you to be the
leader of your own destiny.
Live consciously.
Stop sleepwalking through life because you will wake up one day and realise
that you have nothing to show for the years that you were blessed with. No one
wants to wake up, years from now with regrets about the life that they’ve
chosen. Create a bucket list of the things you could only dream of doing and
work towards doing them, do the things that you love, the things that make you
happy because this life is so precious and we only get to live it once. So, I dare you to live consciously.
Embrace the world.
We co-exist with 30 000 different life forms, there are hundreds of countries
and thousands of places. There are books, theatre productions, there is music
and culture to be discovered and explored. There is so much to learn, there are
so many new things and experiences out there. We believe ourselves to be
knowledgeable and I think we ought to live life as though we were still
children: learning and exploring everything that is around us. I dare you to know that you know nothing.
Design your ideal
life. This is the one thing I insist you do to live your best life. Create an
image of your ideal life on paper. Ideal in terms of every aspect of your life:
friendships, relationships, your final goal. Don’t be afraid of dreaming or
wanting this ideal because honestly, sometimes life is about risking everything
for a dream that only you can see. Write it so you can visualise it, so it can
become real. Then, I dare you to believe
that it can be true.
Live this life
that you’ve been blessed with, refuse to be a captive of the past, mistakes or
disappointments. Laugh more, live a life that is joyous and love; love
unconditionally. This list is an active step to live my best life and I hope
that it enriches and encourages you to do the same. A positive and active mind
will create the space for you to live your best life because what you allow to
consume your mind is what will control your life. No matter your circumstances,
you have a choice to live your best life every
day, so I dare you. I dare you to
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